Tesla Model S arrival

Its been a long time coming. Back in 2012 I ordered a Tesla Motors Model S, on the day they were announced. I believe that my car was order #69 in the world, and at the time there was no guarantee when – or if – they’d be sold in Australia.

A few weeks ago, and around 60,000 Model S vehicles later, my shiny new Pearl White and Carbon Fibre Black P85+ is finally in its home in Adelaide, South Australia.

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Driving Model S in the UK

I had a really fun trip back in May 2014 with my friend Robert Llewellyn, where we got to borrow a Tesla Model S and take a road trip to Cornwall. We visited a very cool place called The Eden Project.

Robert has recently turned this into part of ‘Tesla Road Trips’ edition of Fully Charged show on Youtube – here it is!


Of startups and electric cars

Here is a recording of an interview I did with Charlie Brown for his “Life and Technology” show. This was aired on Radio 2GB on Saturday 9th August 2014.


This conversation was about two distinct topics – the challenges of starting a company in Australia and also about electric cars in this country.

You can also read more about Tesla and their cars – with some more thoughts from me as well on that topic, at the cybershack web site.