Driving Model S in the UK

I had a really fun trip back in May 2014 with my friend Robert Llewellyn, where we got to borrow a Tesla Model S and take a road trip to Cornwall. We visited a very cool place called The Eden Project.

Robert has recently turned this into part of ‘Tesla Road Trips’ edition of Fully Charged show on Youtube – here it is!


RMIT Talking Technology podcast

I had a nice chat with Garry Barker for an RMIT University Podcast series called “Talking Technology”.  We talked (yes, again 🙂 ) about my favourite hot-button items – startups, innovation and investment cycles and electric cars.

The release date for the podcast is 14 August 2014, and here it is:



Of startups and electric cars

Here is a recording of an interview I did with Charlie Brown for his “Life and Technology” show. This was aired on Radio 2GB on Saturday 9th August 2014.


This conversation was about two distinct topics – the challenges of starting a company in Australia and also about electric cars in this country.

You can also read more about Tesla and their cars – with some more thoughts from me as well on that topic, at the cybershack web site.


The NBN destination is worth the journey

Here is a recording of an interview I did with Charlie Brown for his “Life and Technology” show, aired on Radio 2GB on Saturday 2nd August 2014.

(8 minutes)

There is also short summary of the conversation on the Cybershack web site.

I enjoyed the conversation with Charlie and I hope you find it interesting too.